Come Meet Our New Minister on May 23!
On Sunday, May 23, our new Minister, Rev. Amelia Petersen will be in the Bay Area and will be visiting UUCIL. We will have a “Meet and Greet” after Church on that day. This is an opportunity to get acquainted with her before she begins her Ministry with us in August. There will be one more opportunity June 22 when she will be our speaker for the day. Please come to meet and welcome her!
Motivated by a deep love of people, infinite possibility, teaching, learning, and service, Rev. Amelia is honored to be joining you all at UUCiL. She admires the lived values and unique contributions and opportunities of this wonderful community; she and her wife, Marianne, look forward to practicing with you and to knowing you all more in the days and years ahead.
Rev. Amelia Marie Petersen is a lifelong UU who came of age in the Portland, OR congregation. She attended seminary at the Graduate Theological Union, UC Berkeley, and graduated from Starr King School for the Ministry with both a Masters of Divinity and a Master of Arts in Social Change. Her 2016 ordination to Interfaith & Multireligious Ministry by leaders and mentors representing varied lineages and traditions, included the new UUA President the Rev. Dr. Sofia Betancourt.
Amelia believes in the transformative power of UU Community to make real and lasting change and brings a collaborative approach to all of her work. Her passion for leadership, spiritual growth, embodied practice, writing, singing, service, and conflict resolution began back in high school; even in her early career as a dancer the combined gifts and longings that would become her ministerial calling were always at the heart of her professional world and way of being, she is committed to a life of service.
In 2017, Amelia founded Dare to Bless the Love, an Interfaith, peacebuilding community centered in embodied practice and working to support cutting-edge religious leadership, collective liberation, and social change. She’s been practicing yoga for 29 years and in her spare time she still loves taking class as well as cooking, walking, dancing, singing, practicing for the revolution, and all things outdoors.