Making our world a more just and compassionate place is at the heart of our faith. Our members are public witnesses advocating for change and standing up for what we believe by serving those
in need, providing educational opportunities, contacting state legislators and congressional representatives, and showing up at rallies.

(List 7 principles)

Social Justice Committee

Our Social Justice Committee offers educational opportunities to the church and the larger community with our forums and other events, covering an array of topics including LGBTQ issues, environmental concerns, immigration, homelessness, and racial justice. The committee also recommends tithing recipients so we can share our financial resources with organizations that support our principles through funds from the Sunday collection.

Our Church’s Social Justice Committee is thriving and busy. Here is a list of just
some of our initiatives:
 Offering educational opportunities on anti-racism, radical inclusion, and environmental
stewardship to the church and the larger community
 Recommending tithing recipients so we can share our financial resources with
organizations that support our principles
 Taking care of the UUCiL community garden where the vegetables go to local food
 Assembling Friendship Bags for monthly distribution to our unsheltered neighbors
 Organizing distribution of free bus passes to those in need
 Hosting the book group
 Supporting democracy through postcard writing campaigns
 Direct involvement in collecting clothes and food for those in need.

The committee meets on the 2nd Sunday of each month, in person at the church and on zoom.

To get involved, please contact the UUCiL office (link), entering Social Justice Committee on the
subject line, and someone from the Social Justice Committee will contact you and provide more information about our activities and opportunities

Tithing Recipients.
The Social Justice Committee recommends semi-annual tithing recipients for whom our
church members can support. These community partners receive half of our tithing
plate, which helps them fulfill their missions of lifting up members in our wider
community. Below are some examples of past tithing recipients and others that UUCIL
supports: Link each program to their website
·       Goodness Village.
·       Vineyard Resource Center 
·        Sogora Te’ Land Trust
·       Tri-Valley Native American Center
·       Open Heart Kitchen
·       Transgender Law Center
·       Tri-Valley Haven.

. Tri-Valley Bus Pass Program
(Insert photo of the Big check being given to Vineyard)

1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;

2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
6th  Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.

Interfaith Housing.
More than 60 plus years ago two members of our church saw the need for affordable
senior housing. Working with seven other faith communities they created Interfaith
Housing, Inc (IFH), a non-profit corporation that presently owns and operates three
apartment communities in Livermore with a total of 240 units for low income senior
citizens. Construction is planned to start in 2025 to build an additional 79 units. IFH is
governed by a board of directors consisting of two representatives from each of the
eight religious’ congregations. The two current UUCiL members on the board are Arlen
Rowe and Eric Serdahl.
Link to Interfaith housing……
1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;
3rd Principle: Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in
our congregations;

Community Garden.
Inspired by our concern about climate change and the need for healthy and
sustainable food, we established the Community Garden, with an intent to:
 Raise fresh organic produce to benefit our congregation, local food pantries
and homeless shelters
 Teach ourselves and the community how to sustainably farm and grow
year-round crops
(Insert photo of the garden with the big plant and irrigation . Check with Maureen for
additional photos)
7th Principle: Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a

Supporting our Unhoused Neighbors.
In 1976, members of our church created a crisis hotline which eventually became Tri-
Valley Haven. Always supported by our church, The Haven now runs a food pantry and
provides shelter for unhoused families and victims of domestic abuse. Our first minister
founded Open Heart Kitchen which continues to provides thousands of meals and
support to our unhoused or food insecure neighbors. We work with other faith organizations and social service agencies and collect food and clothing for those in need. Thirty to fifty Friendship Bags containing grooming products, energy bars, and home baked cookies are assembled each month to be delivered to those living on the streets or in encampments.  We collect donations and write grants to raise funds to
purchase bus passes that are given to persons without transportation so that they can
get to a food bank, a laundry, healthcare or job interview.
(Link to bus pass program)
1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person;
2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;

The Social Justice Committee raises the consciousness of the congregation about
issues with educational events, including discussion groups, films, book club selections,
trainings, speakers and forums such as: 
 Food for Thought Forums i.e., facilitated discussions on social justice topics
guided by our UU principles·      
 Children and youth are educated about human sexuality and human relations
using the Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum This is open to the wider
 Social Justice-themed Sunday Services
 Social Justice updates and inspirations during our services
 Support for equality for the LGBTQ+ community
 Anti-Racism training
 4 th Principal A free and responsible search for truth and meaning
Insert Photo of Jocelyn at the church table

Supporting Democracy for All
The Social Justice Committee holds ongoing discussions about how our church community can
enact the Unitarian Universalist principles of:
1st Principle: The inherent worth and dignity of every person.
2nd Principle: Justice, equity and compassion in human relations.
5th Principle: The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our
congregations and in society at large.
6th Principle: The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all.
Some of our recent activities have included:
Participating in the Black Lives Matter movement. Carrying the banner of our church, we have
marched in multiple demonstrations and protests. We have facilitated a series of church wide
trainings examining our own biases and the experiences of marginalized/othered populations in
our society. And, we have held a congregational discussion and vote to display the Black Lives
Matter banner in the front of our church

Funding and hosting a screening of the documentary, “Intentionally Erased.” We invited the
interfaith community of Livermore to a viewing of this film which was developed by the
violence prevention organization, A Call to Men. The film was created to address the high rates
of violence occurring against Black trans women.

Partnering with the nonprofit organization, Reclaim Our Vote. This is a grassroots organization,
primarily volunteer-run, that focuses on increasing Black, Indigenous, and people of color
(BIPOC) voter turnout through post-carding, texting, and phone banking. Specifically, we have
organized post-card writing sessions that are directed at marginalized populations that face
obstacles in casting their vote. Post cards provide information such as what will be needed for
them to vote and where to cast their votes. In our last campaign we were able to send out
approximately 500 post cards.