Join UUCiL member Jocelyn Combs as she shares her experience with 12 step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Al-Anon, and how they dovetail with Unitarian Universalism. The faith, love, and community of UU have much in common with recovery.
We will have a firsthand experience of the four states of consciousness. Like sugar that can crystallize out of syrup and dissolve back into it, we explore the coming and going of consciousness through the chanting of Om. Our speaker, Gaurav Rastogi, teaches from the … read more.
Inspired by the 13 virtues of Benjamin Franklin, the 19th-century Lithuanian Rabbi Israel Salanter built out a system of character refinement system called Mussar. With the advent of the New Year, and the prospect of many of us formulating New Year’s resolutions, Bill Heavlin sketches … read more.