Speaker: Rev. Ben Meyers
Our service on 12/15 is led by The Rev. Ben Meyers, who is a regular guest minister here. Rev. Ben has served as a Unitarian Universalist parish minister, hospice chaplain and social justice activist for over 30 years. He is an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights and an ardent advocate for the adoption of clean energy in faith-based homes and communities. He loves living near Lake Merritt in Oakland, which allows closer proximity to his 4 y.o. grandson. Welcome back to our pulpit, Rev. Ben.
Our values call us to live in the reality of the heartbreak of our world, remembering that: “No one is outside the circle of love.” How can we keep the circle and our hearts open when we may wish to ‘close ranks’? Whom, or what, do … read more.
The American writer, Willa Cather, wrote, “There are only two or three human stories,
and they go on repeating themselves as fiercely as if they had never happened before.”
Stories can keep us stuck in a perpetual cycle of struggle or liberate us into a previously unimagined … read more.
A sermon for the Advent Season, by the Rev. Ben Meyers. We all spend time waiting….Waiting for doctors, for dentists, for our tires to be rotated. I realize I’ve also spent a lot of time in ‘phantom waiting rooms’…waiting for something that will NEVER happen…waiting … read more.
A sermon on health, wholeness and healing, by the Rev. Ben Meyers. Healing is ‘usually’ presented to us as something binary: something is either broken, or it has been healed from that brokenness. But that’s not how healing happens. Leonard Cohen wrote; “There is a … read more.
The service, informed by the Jewish High Holy Days, which end at sunset on October 12, delves into the universally complex and profound spiritual journey of ‘letting go’, and the healing powers of giving and receiving forgiveness. Through reflection, music, stories, and ritual we will foster … read more.
From Rev. Ben: “I have become more and more distressed by what I perceive as a serious lack of joy in our day-to-day lives. In my own life, in casual conversations with friends and acquaintances, with what generally passes as “News”. It’s as if we … read more.