Topic: Hope

Meet the Moment

Join us for our annual Fundraising Kickoff Service, a special gathering focused on meeting the moment in our church through Stewardship and action and the impact of generosity in our church and beyond. Led by our dedicated Board of Trustees, this service will highlight how … read more.

The Stories in our Head that Get in our Way

Human beings live by our stories.  Yet individuals, couples, families and organizations can get stuck in stories that limit our sense of possibility or make us feel bad.  We don’t have to hide anything in order to gain a fresh perspective on who we are–and to appreciate it.

Our Worship Services are In Person at 1893 … read more.

Phantom Waiting Rooms

A sermon for the Advent Season, by the Rev. Ben Meyers. We all spend time waiting….Waiting for doctors, for dentists, for our tires to be rotated. I realize I’ve also spent a lot of time in ‘phantom waiting rooms’…waiting for something that will NEVER happen…waiting … read more.

Joy, the Antidote to Overwhelm

From Rev. Ben: “I have become more and more distressed by what I perceive as a serious lack of joy in our day-to-day lives. In my own life, in casual conversations with friends and acquaintances, with what generally passes as “News”. It’s as if we … read more.