Archives: Services

Understanding Forgiveness

The service, informed by the Jewish High Holy Days, which end at sunset on October 12,  delves into the universally complex and profound spiritual journey of ‘letting go’,  and the healing powers of giving and receiving forgiveness. Through reflection, music, stories, and ritual we will foster … read more.

Me and the 1960s

I was recently interviewed about what had happened in the world in the 1960s, when I was a preteen and teenager. The final question was “How did events from this decade influence your life or career decisions?” I had never considered my life from that … read more.

Homelessness in the Bay Area

Kathy Woofter will discuss the factors that have contributed to increased homelessness and what local organizations are doing to help alleviate the issue.

Our Worship Services are In Person at 1893 N Vasco Rd, Livermore, CA 94551.

You can attend services online at the following Zoom link:
Meeting … read more.


Whether you put your faith in a higher being or in science or in yourself – faith is what assures us that everything will be alright despite lack of evidence. Let’s dive into where your faith resides and how you can use it to optimize … read more.

My Life in the Science of Climate Change

A longtime member of our congregation will describe how both his career and our planet’s global climate evolved over the last 40 years.

Our Worship Services are In Person at 1893 N Vasco Rd, Livermore, CA 94551.

You can attend services online at the … read more.